2023 Hobonichi Weeks Setup
Finally started setting up my 2023 Hobonichi Weeks. In this post, I’ll share with you how I set up my planner and how I will use it for the upcoming year. If you would like to know more about the Hobonichi Weeks planner, please check out my review here. I have a short post about my 2022 setup, which is a little bit different from my setup for the 2023 year.
Hobonichi Weeks Bow Tie “Bunnies”
The Hobonichi weeks that I ordered for next year is the Bow Tie “Bunnies” planner. I liked the texture of the fabric and the dark blue color. The fabric has little bunnies stitched on it, which is really cute. To protect the fabric, I put on a clear cover. It’s the same one that I used last year.

Cast – Mother 2 Cover
I purchased the Cast – Mother 2 cover last year for my planner and have used it every day. It is usually on my desk or purse if I go out. It has held up pretty well. The leather has a few scuffs and some small ink marks, but I do like a little bit of wear on it. It is a very nice cover with card slots and a zipper pocket on the inside.

Calendar Overview
Now finally onto the planner itself. This year, I decided to put these super cute calendar stickers on the overview pages. The stickers are available as a free printable in The Coffeemonsterz Co Facebook Group. The size had to be reduced a little to fit the Hobonichi Weeks. I think they look great!!!

Monthly Pages
I was planning on using monthly planner kits for the monthly planner pages but didn’t want the planner to bulk up too much. I had a few monthly sticker books from Erin Condren left and used the script stickers to mark the month. I think the monthly stickers were from a couple of years ago and feature some nice foiling in different colors. It didn’t bulk up too much and I tried offsetting the stickers a little bit, so they are not always in the same spot.

Note Pages
Last year, I only had a few note pages set up. This year I want to try to have a lot more info in this planner. The note pages are perfect for setting up trackers. A lot of the bullet journal spread can be resized into the Hobonichi Weeks planner. Here are some of the ones that I have already set up. I will probably create a few more soon, so keep an eye on my Instagram (@melhasplans).
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Year In Pixels
The classic Year-in-Pixels design. Perfect for the narrow planner pages. Used a couple of stickers and a slim strip of washi tape on the side.

Instagram Follower Tracker
This simple follower tracker is easy to create. I used a stencil to make the circles. Whenever I reach a certain number of followers, I color in the bubble. Not sure yet if I will use rainbow colors or stick with just 3 or 4 colors from the same palette.

Order Tracker
The order tracker is for all my online orders. It shows the date and where I placed the order. The S is for shipped and R is for received. I used some washi stickers from Amazon and Zebra Mildliners for the banner.

Weight Loss Tracker
On this page, I will keep track of my weight. It is a simple graph and I am planning on weighing myself every two weeks. (Was going to do it every week but there wasn’t enough space.) The page beside it is a table for weight and measurements (hips, waist, leg, arm).

Dog’s Weight Loss Tracker
Unfortunately, my dog has to lose a bit of weight as well. She is on a special diet foot and I will bring her to the vet once a month to make sure she stays on track.

Debt Pay-Off Tracker
The debt pay-off tracker is a copy of the printable that I have available on this blog for download. If you are interested, you can find it here.
Here I will write down beginning balances, interest charges, purchases, payments, and ending balances. A lot of them are on auto pay and the balances are paid in full, but it is still good to see how much is being spent on credit cards.

Bill Tracker
The bill tracker, of which I also have a free printable available here, is great for an overview of all your bills. Sometimes the amounts vary from month to month and other times payments are made bi-monthly or only once a year.
For me, it is really helpful to keep track of those little subscriptions like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Spotify. I usually forget about them.
A printable file is available online in my shop for purchase.

Last Pages
The last few pages of the planner I usually use as a grid spacing template and a pen test page. I will also keep a few blank pages at the end to use for random notes since this is my on-the-go planner and is always with me.
That’s it so far for my Hobonichi Weeks Setup. I will probably add some tabs for the weekly pages and set up a few more trackers.
I hope you got some inspiration from some of the planner pages. Thanks for reading!