How to decorate your planner with only Washi Tape

Today I am going to show you how you can decorate your planner with only washi tape. This weekly layout will not have a single sticker. Anything shown is made from washi tape only. Certain sticker kits only fit one specific planner and will be too small or too big for any other planners. The great thing about washi tape is that you can cut it to any size. It doesn’t matter what kind of planner you have and what format and size it is.
Plain Planner
Here is a picture of what both planner pages look like before decorating them. I am using the Erin Condren Life Planner in the hourly format. The week that I am planning for is August 2 – 8, 2021. The Erin Condren planners with the colourful option have a different theme colour each month. For August it is yellow. I like matching my washi tape or stickers with the monthly colours but also use a different colour for contrast.

If you are interested in purchasing the same Erin Condren Life Planner and are new to Erin Condren, you can use my affiliate link to receive $10 off your first order. I will also receive $10 off my next order.
I made a post about the Erin Condren Life Planner which gives you a review of the planner and shows you all the different kinds of pages. You can find the post here -> Erin Condren Life Planner Review
Here is a picture of the right page. The days start at 6 am and go to 7 pm. My day usually starts a bit later and also ends later. I can use the washi tape to block off some of those early hours.

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Washi Tape Selection
The first step is to pick your washi tape. I decided to go with a pink/ gold theme and selected these ones out of my collection. It is good to use tapes of different sizes and I usually try to use at least one glitter washi tape.
The washi tape that I used came from different stores. The two in the middle were bought at Michael’s a few years ago so unfortunately, I don’t remember the kit they came from. The remaining pink ones were purchased from Amazon and the gold ones are from Erin Condren. I will post the links below if you are interested in purchasing the same ones.

What you Need
You really only need your planner and a few different kinds of washi tape. A lot of the stores sell them in a bundle that already comes with matching colours and different size washi tape.
- Planner
- Washi tape in different sizes and colours
Planner decoration
Here is how I decorate my planner with washi tape. Your planner will probably look a little different but you can use a similar layout. I usually use a wider tape for the bottom page which will right away give you some contrast with the date headers at the top.
The next thing I’ll do is make some flag labels for my sidebar. Here I split up my sidebar into three sections. The first section will be “This week”, usually something that I need to do that week but not on a specific date. The middle section is a “To Do” list for the week followed by a “Habit Tracker” at the bottom.
I used the skinny washi tape to mark my work hours. My work hours are the typical 9-5 hours so the pink tape indicates the time that I am at work. I can still write down any work-related meetings or to-dos. In the 6 am section I like to write down the weather on that day. It helps me plan ahead but the weather forecast is usually never right, lol
The 7 am section is blocked of as I don’t really have much going on in the morning. When my son goes back to school after the Summer break, I will probably use that section for any school-related events.

Here is a picture of the other page which is the same as the previous page. The little washi flags can be easily created by folding a small piece of washi tape in half and cutting off one corner. The bottom is used for planning our dinner meals for the week.
For the weekend banner, I cut different size flag-shaped pieces from the washi tape and arranged them like a banner.

Here is a close-up of the weekend banner. I might draw some strings with a sharpie pen later. I hope you liked this post about decorating your planner with only washi tape. Let me know in the comments if you are interested in seeing more of these posts. Thanks so much for reading.

Washi Tape Links
You can find the gold washi tape on the Erin Condren website if you search for “Sticker Tape”.
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